Changing my mind!

Changing my mind!

Hey yal, no that is not a typo! I have decided to change my mind and my focus of how I most want to use this format. I’m so glad that we have permission to change our minds and not get stuck in one way of thinking and one way of doing things (do you think there may be several lessons there?). I’ve decided to revamp the purpose and focus of my writing. I’ve always wanted to be an encouragement and I believe why it kept falling flat the last few years is because I still had the focus on me and my accomplishments instead of on the one who really provided me a way out!

Listen! what I have taught over the years isn’t wrong and it has been blessed and many many people have been saved from those teachings and those counseling methods. They are not bad or wrong- it’s just incomplete.

So- here’s the new format and focus of ‘my brand’
1.Signal for Help Ministries is still based on Luke 5:1-11 it still fits/ but is also incomplete (more to come on that)
2.YAL stands for You are Loved because it is my belief that when you realize that you are loved by the king of kings and Lord of Lords; that he has provided a way from the beginning of time to have the hope of spending eternity with you; he has pursued you all of your days, especially to hear that one message, you, my beautiful child are loved! I believe when you grasp that- you will gladly pick up your cross and follow Him!

3. This is for those of us who are feeling the urgency to share this love and this hope and this peace. This will be a place to encourage and empower and live out our God given authority as a coheir with Christ who raised us with himself from the dead- this is going to be for those warriors who’s ready to bring heaven to earth! This is for the workers of the harvest!

Remember YAL, to live is Christ to die is gain!

Your sister in the battle!


"Thank you for telling me what I needed to hear and not what I wanted to hear; and doing it in the most loving and stern way I've ever seen!"
- Amanda I.

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