Don’t skip the middle!

Don’t skip the middle!

“Behold, I am the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?” Jeremiah 32:27
I know with my logical mind that nothing is too hard for God. The problem is my emotional mind. The part of my brain that knows bad things happen and experiencing hard things is, well, hard. We are wired to avoid pain. Jeremiah knew what was ahead for the Israelites because of their rebellion and he knew that all were going to have to experience captivity and oppression. He didn’t like it! I also don’t like waiting on others to come out of their rebellion. I want to rescue, save and hurry them along but I don’t have the power to do that. I can model and remain steadfast with my boundaries and my prayers, but God is the one that changes hearts; and only lasting change will come from true repentance and allowing the Holy Spirit to work in their lives. I am so grateful that we have access to the power of the Holy Spirit to work in us and through us. He gives us strength and grace to be steadfast and prayerful. He works in us and through us to give us the ability to quickly forgive and not allow bitterness to fester. He works in us and through us to get through the tough seasons of our life; and to allow others the same freedom to choose their path for their tough seasons in life.
I also have many experiences of past hard times that brought me more peace and joy and faith when I got to the other side. When looking back on those experiences I’m left awestruck and amazed at how awesome the outcome was. Romans 8:28 tells us and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Brene Brown (author and researcher) tells us ‘you can’t skip the middle’. Going through is hard but it is in these hard seasons that we are refined and made stronger. It builds tenacity and grit and develops an assurance that all things do work out for good! But, we can’t skip the middle!
God I pray for peace, wisdom, guidance and direction for the middle and messy seasons of life. I pray that you give grace for the place we are in and help us to live one moment at a time! In Jesus name, amen

"Thank you for telling me what I needed to hear and not what I wanted to hear; and doing it in the most loving and stern way I've ever seen!"
- Amanda I.

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